House hushing is not a new trend if you’ve met the always-minted 50-plus single women who have shrugged off excess baggage with elan, and there’s no one better to tell it like it is than style entrepreneur Kalyani Saha Chawla. Now, millennials may find it trendy to suddenly discover the thrill of decluttering and quieting visual interiors, but that is exactly what Kalyani did intuitively when she redesigned her grandparents’ fifties-style home in the heart of South Delhi, which she inherited from her father two years ago.
It was last year when Kalyani stood in the small inner courtyard or uthan in Bengali, which was recreated in Delhi by her grandmother, bringing in the traditional architecture of old Bengali homes in Kolkata, when the house was built, and saw her life as it is today — single, successful, swank — a showboat. Says the serial entrepreneur, “I’m single, my 24-year-old daughter lives abroad, I entertain and have guests all the time. I didn’t need the four bedrooms, a drawing and dining room that were all boxed in, and a garden patch that ran into the road. It had to be quieted, and opened up.”