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Bring the hotel to your boudoir without much ado by taking cues from this ultra-mod bedroom designed by New Delhi-based Essentia Environments.

Start with building a capsule that’s completely self-sufficient and provides all amenities to sleep, eat, bathe and work. Pick all-white or neutral-themed interiors and a statement wall in marble or stone or any other surface that exudes warmth and sophistication.

For a glam setup, play around with the lighting in the form of focus lights and inbuilt illuminating wall panels just as designer duo Hardesh and Monica Chawla of Essentia Environments did. Matching bed linen and globular glass accents will complement this setting.

Don’t forget to include the signature walk-in shower. This time, give it a new dimension by hiding it behind the bedroom wall with transparent doors on either side for a feel of minimal barriers. The next time you crave some alone time, go with this all-in-one setting that promises luxury without stepping foot on foreign lands….



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