Priyanka Singh of Chalk Studio dons the hat of both the designer and the client for her firm’s palatial yet cosy workspace in Gurugram
FEB 20, 2023 | By Tamanna Doctor
Every stroke of a chalk transforms its being while leaving a trace of creation over a canvas. Carrying this nascent sentiment at heart, the Chalk Studio Office that is designed by Priyanka Singh, the Founder of Chalk Studio herself, is a 3000 sq ft office in Gurugram that has a workspace that establishes an equilibrium between functionality, interaction, and an empowering milieu.
The idea of an open office with informal breakout spaces allows the occupants of the space, the designers, to explore and work in an active and creatively stimulating environment. The space was designed and executed with the thought of blending the workspace with a cosy environment and creating a surrounding that not only motivates but provides a warm essence for the team as well.
Entering the studio, a quaint reception welcomes one into the space. Fluted panels envelop the area and exude a sense of tangible warmth. The bespoke desk is an in-house creation, showcasing the recurring theme of curved and linear silhouettes.
The reception area is flanked by two meeting rooms, enabling easy access for studio members and visitors alike. Surrounded by a potpourri of warm tones and endless metropolis views, the meeting rooms have a physical mood board that is of utmost utility for client meetings and presentations. Another meeting room, right across the corridor, within a brushed brass and clear glass partition system, dons with the same design sensibilities.
An interesting intricacy is that the same pocket door system leads to a secret room, “meditation/scream room,”. Acoustically-panelled, the studio members use the space to find some peace after a long day.
The studio head cabin, a refuge for the Principal Designer, elegantly reflects the firm’s design persona. The area blends into the bigger meeting room on one side and the common hub of the office on the other. The workstation bay, which represents the centre of the studio, houses the team members and brings all the departments together.
Creating a peaceful and concentrated atmosphere, the spaces are dotted with shades of grey and white throughout the shell with tiny plants.
Tucked away from the office are the archives room, an open pantry, a coffee station, and a staff dining area. The physical vastness of the Chalk Studio Office successfully reflects its collaborative culture. It gives a nod to the Chalk Studio Tribe, which promotes the idea of residing in and daydreaming about flawless design for years to come.
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