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Founded in 2012, Urban Ladder was one of India’s first furniture e-commerce sites. Their main aim was and continues to be to provide quality furniture that’s well-designed and well-priced. Three years on, the game changing brand, with a strong team and several investors, is busy setting trends. We chatted with co-founder Ashish Goel to unearth some lesser known facts about Urban Ladder. 1. Ashish stumbled on an idea to venture into a nascent territory of selling furniture and accents online after a harrowing experience setting up a new home in Bengaluru. He used to work in publishing before co-founding this start-up.2. Urban Ladder’s design philosophy is rooted in transitional design. In their offerings, they have incorporated a certain number of elements from five schools of design – the Minimalist, Scandinavian, Bauhaus, Classical and Shaker movements – to create a wide range of aesthetic possibilities.3. The Living Spaces app largely developed in-house. Once you sign up for it, they come over to your home with fabric samples, colour options and the new augmented reality app which will let you see exactly how the sofa will look in your space. Eventually, they plan to extend it to all categories.4. They designed an inventive patented device straightly called the Stair Climber to help their logistics team with the physically stressful job of transporting furniture up flights of stairs. With a simple press of a button, the team can without strain move bulky furniture up floors. “With little guidance, it even turns corners,” adds Ashish. 5. About 60 percent of the brand’s sales come from in-house designs. The entire catalogue is designed by a 10 member in-house design team in tandem with a number of freelance designers.
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