Move over bulky flashlights and mobile torches. This nifty illuminator aims to revolutionise portable lighting products. Launched in 2013 on a crowdfunding website, Lumio by San Francisco based Max Gunawan has come a long way since then.
From the outside, this Red Dot Design 2015 winning product resembles a simple hardcover volume, but the secret to this device is literally hidden within its pages. So what sparked the idea for Lumio? “It was first conceived to provide beautiful lighting wherever you are. Inspired by the idea of an illuminated book, it is designed to have intuitive functionality. Simply open the cover to turn it on, and the further you open the cover, the brighter it gets. It’s about providing people with the possibility to use one object and adapt it into many different applications,” says Max.
Offered in two variants, Lumio Lamp and the recently launched Lumio Mini, it is completely customisable and comes with a lightning charger for mobile phones! When fully charged, Lumio can provide continuous power for up to eight hours.
The outer wooden cover protects the waterproof Tyvek pages inside, which light up when the “book” is opened. It also features magnetic ends that can hold the lamp up when placed on a metallic surface.
Pick up our August – September 2016 issue to follow front line finds like these, click here for a preview!
Also read: EDIDA Lighting 2015 winner Rooshad Shroff’s bulbs are made of marble!