Cities are made of ideas as much as they are made of people. A potpourri of architectural styles and layers of history in its ledger, Kazan in Russia is the perfect case study. And it’s only fitting that since 2021, it has hosted Kazanysh — an architectural and urban design forum which in 2025 will be held from 6th to 8th of February. 

The purpose of the forum is to understand what makes cities tick and in turn, what architects and designers can do to make them better places to inhabit. With the theme, Unity of Diversity, Kazanysh attempts to seek answers to questions that have surrounded the practice of city-planning for generations. The goal is to not find the absolute but honour a multiplicity of approaches.

Kazanysh forum held in Kazan from 6th to 8th February

Over the past decade, countries in the BRICS association, namely Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have chartered their own path to urban development. Mindful of the unique histories and socio-economic landscape, the make of this urbanism looks inward into the community of people who live in the cities. From vibrant markets that shape the cultural landscape to addressing climate concerns in tandem with growth, the IV International Architectural and Construction Forum Kazanysh is all about dialogue that can translate into tangible human-centric solutions.

Inaugurated by Ilsur Metshin, the Mayor of Kazan, representatives from across the globe will gather at the Kamal Theatre in Kazan, a location as intriguing as the forum itself. Conceptualised to resemble “Ice Flowers,” a rare natural phenomenon that occurs on the surface of Kaban Lake, the theatre blends into the topography of the region and presents itself as a beacon of Tatar culture, architecture and art. It’s an ideal metaphor: Rooted to its surroundings yet futuristic in its vision.

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