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The fourth edition of India Design ID 2016, the country’s most definitive design event, is right around the corner. The fair includes a three day showcase of curated brands at Exhibit ID, an inspirational conference of architects and designers at ID Symposium and several promotional events across decor stores across New Delhi at ID Satellite. The weeklong celebration starts with ID Satellite on February 8 and rolls into ID Symposium on February 12-13 and Exhibit ID on February 12-14.The stellar line-up of speakers for ID Symposium includes thought leaders and award winning creatives from India and across the globe. Topics of discussion and debates range from the future of architecture to the need to blend age old crafts with cutting edge technology. Sign up to be a delegate at ID Symposium, buy your passes here.

DAY 1: February 12, 2016

10 AM Registration

11 AM Opening Ceremony

11.30 AM The Park ELLE DECOR Students AwardsMorning Sessions – Inspirations

12 Noon Mario Bellini (Presented by Italian Embassy Cultural Centre)Rules for Design: An inspiring narrative about innovations and ideation through his work over the years

1 PM Networking Break Afternoon Session – Trends

2.30 PM Ayaz Basrai, Dominique Jean-Lavabre & Zameer BasraiModerator Theron Carmine De SousaHow palatable is your design?A delectable pairing of business and creativity in hospitality

3.15 PM Nipa Doshi with Peter D’Ascoli
How to take Local, Global: Blending tradition with technology

3.45 PM Amit Syngle & India Mahdavi (Presented by French Embassy in India/Institut Francais En Inde)
Presenter Ashiesh Shah
Colour Talks: In Design and Interiors

India Mahdavi unravels what’s next in design while Amit Syngle unveils the forecast for the year with Asian Paints ColourNext

5 PM Launch of ColourNext 2016

DAY 2: February 13, 2016

10 AM RegistrationMorning Session – Design & Interiors11 AM Tom Dixon Masterclass in Design: Shaping a name into a brand

12.15 PM Iram Sultan & Sonali PurewalModerator Theron Carmine De Sousa
The New Retreat
The bath gets a Lux(e)experiential makeover

Afternoon Session – Future of Architecture

2 PM Bijoy Jain
A cultural transfer of ethos and values that stimulate architecture

2.50 PM Fernando Menis, Greg Reaves & Johannes Robbrecht
Presenter Verendra Wakhloo (Presented by FCML Design Initiative)
What’s Next: Habitat of the Future
A guide to urban design and development

4 PM Toyo Ito
Architecture: Today, for Tomorrow
Changing the way we live, one building at a time


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