With two decades of EDIDA India behind us, the awards need no introduction. Each year, we choose a handful that represents India and the brilliance of its indigenous design. To the victor go the spoils, and so it shall be! EDIDA India 2021 has been presented by our title sponsors ICA Italian Wood Finishes, in association with Sunil Sethi Design Alliance and with strategic partners Miele, Tejas and Rugiano by DEFURN and gifting partner BEDLAM and FLECK.
EDIDA India Designer of the Year
Ariane Thakore Ginwala: This year the most prestigious title of the lot is awarded to the founder and principal designer of This and That for the Bastar collection. The collection, made of handcrafted doors by the Muriya tribe in Bastar, is equal parts magnificence and diligence with a dash of emotional connect.