Designer and creative director of his eponymous practice as well as art director for European lifestyle brands Airnova and mary&, Gian Paolo Venier wears many hats. “It is the constant search for foreign atmospheres which forms the pulse of my work.” The singular thought of adding subtle changes to the everyday pushes him to create an enviable body of work. His designs range the entire gamut—from his first, a drawing board for a marine life-focused museum that connected him to his hometown of Trieste, to his latest, a multi-sensorial ambience for a luxury hotel.
Venier’s distinctive signature combines cosmopolitan elegance, best quality materials, interesting textures and sophisticated colour palettes. About his unique, custom-made creations, he says, “Design should not be common. It should exist but in moderation, so that one can enjoy it.” When asked what he would have done if he hadn’t pursued a degree in architecture and interior design, the designer says, “I do rue the fact that I chose the world of lines and curves over donning a chef’s hat. Experimenting with food, which is again a playground of sensory experience, is a choice I miss.”