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The secret to Brinda Miller’s brilliantly organized chaos of colour is her inability to stay bored. “I’ve become quite the master at multitasking, and my art definitely imitates the frenzy in my life,” she says, while pointing to three 67-inch canvases she had worked on simultaneously. “How?” I ask her. It seemed inconceivable to me that a woman who balances being on numerous committees as an advisor, mentoring upcoming artists, while organizing Mumbai’s Kala Ghoda Festival, could find the time to create rows of stunning artwork. “I like to be distracted and productive, and it’s reflected in my use of colour and material,” she explains. “It often depends on the pressure I put on myself. If there’s an art show I need to have work ready for, I could finish a piece in two days. But sometimes, my experiments can go on for months.” I met her at the Tao Art Gallery, where a line of bright orange, turquoise and other objects were pieced together intricately to form Brinda’s exhibition, “Vanishing Point”. “My husband and my daughters are architects, and you could say I drew inspiration from them – the names of the paintings definitely are inspired by architectural terms, while the techniques form a sense of structural abstraction,” she says. I glanced at ‘Metaphorical Scaffold’, ‘Tritium Light’ and the namesake ‘Vanishing Point’ – all embellished in wooden stenciling, random spray painted collectibles (like Brinda’s tablemat!), to reveal constructed angles, arcs, ellipses and lines. “However, Mumbai has always been my muse,” she says. “I love the city — the buildings, the people, the life within the city. I’d like to think I’ve captured that energy in my work,” she says.Brinda Miller’s striking work will be on display at the Tao Art Gallery until 23 January, 2018.


Where: The View, Tao Art Gallery, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai 18Also read: Visit 20th century rural India at Jyoti Bhatt’s art show

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