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There might be no winning formula in life, but we do have one for the EDIDAs: Form + Function + Imagination + Risk + A Big Idea = Good Design.
If you think your products and design have what it takes to make the cut, then participate now! The country’s most coveted design award is here. And if you can’t think of more reasons to participate, here are five reasons you absolutely should!

1. You could be EDIDA India’s next Designer of the Year

Have a diverse portfolio of works spanning from luscious fabrics and breathtaking furniture to statement walls and sparkling lights? Then this could be the year you’re crowned design royalty. Ashiesh Shah sheds light on his experience as the reigning EDIDA India Designer of the Year here.

2. You could get a showcase at Ambiente, 2018
If you’re under 40 and have an interesting oeuvre to match your experiences, this could be your ticket to the big leagues! The EDIDA India Young Talent winner gets an exclusive showcase at Ambiente, Frankfurt! If you don’t believe us, you can read Advaeita’s interview here!3. You could get a chance to study in Milan (If you are a student)Yes, you read that right! Students aspiring to leave a mark in this world of cut throat competition get to have a sharper edge over others. If your designs impress our judges as much as your teachers, then you could be on your way to a three week scholarship to Istituto Marangoni, Milan. 4. Showcase your products at India Design ID, 2018Every year, India’s most definitive design week takes over New Delhi’s streets and engages in an industry driven dialogue with the masses. Indian and International designers converge to discuss and exchange ideas related to design. Names such as Alberto Alessi, Humberto Campana, Alberto Meda, Carlo Ratti among others were in attendance last year. All the EDIDA India winners get their own showcase and the opportunity to take their product to the global audience!5. Automatically secure a nomination for the International EDIDAsYour win in EDIDA India automatically qualifies you a spot for nomination at the International EDIDA. Compete with uprising talent from across the globe to win the coveted prize at the highest level. Take a look at the EDIDA International 2017 winners here.
If the above points are reason enough, click here to download the participation form right away! Entries due date 13.10.2017
Also read: All the winners of EDIDA India 2016

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